
I'm open to private and commercial collaborations.This page contains prices and information on private commissions. For commercial collaborations, contact me via email.Information on how to collaborate on a book cover is at the very end.Available private commissions:
• Detailed drawing of a character;
• Illustration;
• Bust sketch.

Detailed drawing
of a character

• Portrait ― 100 EUR
• Half body ― 200 EUR
• Full body ― 300 EUR
This is the starting price for a drawing with one (1) character. The price is subject to change if the figure has a particularly complex design.Character drawing commission includes all the details of character design drawn in detail. The character can also be designed by me from scratch for an additional design fee. It's a drawing in my rendering style with a simple background and lighting.


The price range of the illustration is 400 - 500 EUR.The pricing of an illustration fully depends on its concept - the number of characters and the level of complexity of their design, the background and its level of complexity, the size of the illustration, etc.

Bust sketch

The price is 50 EUR.This is a delicately colored sketch of one character from the front perspective.

Book cover

I do book artworks for indie authors and publishing houses.
I send my price sheet in a private email.
For the books I create:
• Cover artworks (paperback, hardcover, dust jacket);
• Endpaper artworks;
• Illustrations inside the book;
• Stenciled edges
• Hard case designs,
I only create illustrations, I do not do typography.
I have created covers for “Godly Heathens” by H.E. Edgmon (Dazzling Bookish Shop special edition), "The Sins of the Orc" by Finley Fenn (Fae Crate special edition) as well as other projects under preparation.

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